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  • Contract Law Assignment Essay


    Essays3 Law

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ID number:210191
Published: 26.11.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 12 units
References: Used

There are three parts in this question that needs looking at separately. Firstly
Helen needs advise whether she did form a legally binding contract for the tickets.
So here are some main facts about Helena. So The London Theatre decides to sell
the tickets in three ways – via internet, by phone and some will be available on the
day of performance. Online booking and phone booking starts on 4th of October 2008
at 10am. Helen starts her online booking 10.02 am. As the website is slow, she
starts trying to do her bookings over the phone. She gets through the website and
gets to the confirmation page. Booking is confirmed, she just needs to do online
payment. She completes the page, but presses return button, though it clearly stated
not to press return button. She did not read the terms and conditions, as it took so
long to get through to the booking page. She phones to confirm that her booking
have been placed, and it is confirmed, but while she was on a line booking assistant
tells that her session has expired and she needs to start it from beginning. So a she
does it she receives email saying that all tickets are sold out by 10.58am. Helen
thinks it is a system failure and recons that she should have received email
confirming her bookings.…

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