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ID number:815022
Published: 03.12.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Increase in employment, stimulation of business activity, increase in taxes collected, increase in sales of goods and services and other benefits.
Increase in the use of sewer and water systems, requiring further development of the community infrastructure, shifts in the pace of the community’s structure, damage to the environment and other costs.
Planners and developers at the destination usually change the landscape, the environment, and even the arrangement of business within the community to accommodate tourists.
There is no simple way for a community to proceed with tourism development without setting priorities. Determinations must be made about how the development will look, as well as who will benefit the most, who will benefit the least, and who and what will have to change.
Concerns in the Third World
Tourism development is further complicated in Third World countries by the influence of foreign investors and multinational tourism companies. For example:
Many of the forces which shape tourism in the Third World are at work in the country where tourists originate - not in the destination country.…

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