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  • Detailed Analysis of "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver including themes, plot summary, major and minor characters and more.


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ID number:988038
Published: 16.12.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Bean Trees
-Title and Genre: The Bean Trees - Historical Ficton
-Author: Barbara Kingsolver - April 8, 1955; lives in Kentucky; still living
-Publication Date: 1988
-Plot Summary: The Bean Trees follows the story of Marietta Greer who lived in Kentucky, but eventually drove away. On her way west, she arrives in Taylorville where she changes her name to Taylor and involuntarily is given an abused Native American baby girl whom she names Turtle. Then, in Tucson, she meets Mattie, who owns her own tire shop that doubles as a safe-house for illegal Native Americans. After working at the…

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