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eKönyvtár library
  • Poetry: "Freedom", "Coffee Shop", "Gulf Coast Blues", and "Waves"


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:978637
Published: 29.09.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

I sit alone in this somber reality
Surrounded by the walls constructed around me.
Such a dark place
I feel morbid and lifeless.
I tear down these walls
The light shines so much stronger
It shines through me,
Penetrates this place.
An escape is what I need
My vision of the calm breeze of sweet serenity
Flying swiftly through the trees
Lets me bleed free, free from all that surrounds me.
I tear down these walls
The light shines through me
It burns like fire and devours the darkness,
Penetrates this place
Coffee Shop.
Cactus overshadows cancerous tendencies,
The coffee screams,…

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