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ID number:978527
Published: 07.12.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The minority crisis in Nepal reminds me of Guinier, who has stated in her essay, "The Tyranny of the Majority" that, "The problem of majority tyranny arises, however, when the self-interested majority does not need to worry about defections. When the majority is fixed and permanent, there are no checks on its ability to be overbearing. A majority that does not worry about defectives is a majority with total power" (Guinier 610). Those minority groups are facing the same crisis, and even more than that. Many of them are working as bonded labors. While general people work from 9 to 5, they work from 5 to 9-five in the morning till nine in the evening. And the wage they get paid is the worst of the figures. United Nations has reported that they get paid Rupees thirteen per day ($0.20) and get fined Rupees hundred the day they do not work. This policy is regulated for the entire year.…

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