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ID number:957239
Published: 01.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

'Given the varied nature of managerial work and the wide range of individual strengths and weaknesses which every manager brings to it, there are some strong advocates of the view that formal approaches (to management development) are simply inappropriate' (Storey and Tate, 2000: p. 208).
This quote translates the difficulty of defining what management is and what the best way to apply it is. In fact, management is not simply something that you learn and you apply afterwards. It is a mixture of formal and informal methods of managing people. But, it is also something more sensitive, you need to have some personal skills, some feelings or instincts which can not be taught.
(Occupational Psychology, Kotter).
This can emerge from past experiences as well because we learn more from our experiences (not only from work experiences but from life experiences as well) than from taught knowledge. 'I learn to be a manager from experience'.
(Mumford, 2000)
Then, why is it so complicated to manage people? The reason is there is not only one way to manage people but a multitude of ways. Everybody is different, he/she acts and reacts differently to the same situation. There are a lot of variables which intervene like character, knowledge, past experience...

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