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ID number:925012
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In this essay I will discuss three major points concerning social capital. First, I will state whether my community is rich in social capital, then provide evidence of why it is or isn't. Second, I will explain the factors that are responsible for the continuance or decline in social capital. And third, I will talk about what realistic policies I would pursue to foster or sustain social capital in my community. Let me begin by explaining what social capital is. Social capital can be simply defined as connections among individuals. It refers to institutions and relationships that shape the quality of a society's social interactions. Interaction enables people to build strong communities and to commit themselves to each other. Some examples of interaction would be serving on city council, PTA's, community groups, sports teams, etc.…

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