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  • Relevance of Quality Assurance Systems to Civil and Environmental Engineering


    Essays3 Management

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ID number:918918
Published: 09.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Quality engineering is supposed to be responsible for determining and planning the work of the rest of the department. Quality engineers should collaborate with design engineering concerning a new product's performance characteristics and meet with manufacturing engineers concerning the way the product will be manufactured. In that way quality engineers can determine how the product should be inspected, tested, and controlled during its life both in and outside the company. Detailing these requirements, training people to accomplish them, and measuring results are what quality engineering is all about.
Thus we shall take an interest in the relevance of Quality Assurance (QA) systems especially to civil and environmental engineering.
First we shall define the need and what quality assurance can achieve, then analyse its benefits and look at how widely with which common standards it is used.
Quality arises from a basic need namely the consumer's one that can be expressed or not. Therefore Philip B. Crosby wants to define quality as "conformance to requirements". …

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