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  • A fictional Hacker story, in the same explanative tone as some sci-fi I had to read for class


    Essays3 Literature

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ID number:904391
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Brothers in Arms
It's 5 O'clock. I snap back from gazing into nothingness and reach over for the mouse - wireless. I wouldn't have it any other way. There's an icon on my computer screen flashing up and down. It says "Email from CPUChAllEnGed". I double click it, and up pops a new window. My e-mail.
From: CPUChAllEnGed
To: SuicideKing
Subject: Brothers, to Arms!
We got a flamer posting a DDOS warning on his page. I've called in the Brotherhood for a meeting at 9 - we're meeting in CrackAttack0983. Password is SuzyQb459876. If any lamer or haxor owes you…

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