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ID number:892501
Published: 01.12.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Iran is one of the biggest countries’ in the Middle East, and population of this country is 70 million people, where 51percent are Persians and 24 percent are Azeri. It is different form its neighbour countries, as there the majority of citizens are Arab. This Iran’s difference among Middle East countries is one of the reasons for being unlike other this region’s countries. In ancient times Iran was known as Persia. Iran’s modern history had started in 20th century, when Mozaffar al – Din was governing in Persia between the years 1896 and 1907. While he was governing country the economy was improving, but, on the other hand, Mozzaffar al – Din’s and aristocracy’s lifestyle was luxurious. In this period of time Iran government had developed economy and diplomatic relations with Russia, who had send funds to Iran’s government, and this money was spend into luxury life of aristocracy. …

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