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  • This is a short essay required for a Cause and Effect paper for Comp 100. It is about working hard at something (in this case, a sport)to fufill your dreams.


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ID number:849254
Published: 11.05.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

<Tab/>Growing up as a child in my house, I was surrounded by basketball. I had a dad and two brothers who were die-hard basketball fans. So naturally, I also became engrossed in the sport. I joined the intermural basketball team as soon as I was old enough, and made a close group of friends with my teammates. When I reached the 6th grade, I joined the school basketball team and my dad took the coaching position. I really enjoyed being on the school team and my friends and I loved all being together so much. We all played together for the next three years until things sta…

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