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ID number:829701
Published: 28.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

No matter where we go, no matter what we do, we find ourselves dealing with reading or writing words somehow. At home, we may read emails from friends and family then reply back; we may read the TV Guide to check out what is on tonight; we may read the direction on the back of the package for preparing our food. In school, we have to know what our teachers write on the board; and we must turn in our homework on time. To get away from home and work, we plan our longing vacations with the help of traveling guide books and we find our perfect destinations on our maps. For shopping, we certainly would like to see the price tags before purchase. For our spare time, we may read a book for fun or we may read the news to see what is going on around our globe. Everything in our lives is directly or indirectly related to reading and writing. Without the ability to read and write, we will be lost in everything we do and everywhere we go. Like the water we drink and the air we breathe, literacy is inseparable with our daily lives, therefore illiteracy are to be eliminated in our society for good.…

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