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ID number:813640
Published: 18.01.2011.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Main task of project was to create a GIS map based on given data about crime in Claygate area. Project was realised on an ArcGIS program.
The aim of this report is to describe steps made to successfully create a map.
Step One: Formatting data source
Before creating a map data in excel document have to be checked and corrected if necessary, otherwise ArcGIS program will not be able to display the data.
All volumes have to be displayed in a same form. For example, all volumes are six digit numbers.
Gaps in names have to be removed. For example, change Criminal Damage to CriminalDamage.
To avoid too colourful and full map, I suggest to create less different pairs; sort a names in bigger main groups. …

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