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  • An in-depth review of Sylvia Plath and her poem, "Point Shirley".


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:797928
Published: 23.04.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Sylvia Plath is an American writer whose well-known poems are carefully written pieces distinguished for their personal imagery and intense dialogue. Written in 1960, "Point Shirley" is a poem in which the details are more important than the actual time and place that the events occurred.
Sylvia Plath is an American writer whose best-known poems are carefully crafted pieces noted for their personal imagery and intense focus. She was born in Massachusetts in 1932 and began publishing poems and stories as a teenager. By the time she entered Smith College, Plath had won several poetry priz…

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