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ID number:795226
Published: 05.12.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

I can clearly remember my first semester at college. The innocent expectations before I arrived of the all night study sessions fueled by pizza and ice cream, the innumerable clubs and activities that would introduce me to new friends with common interests, and the independence of having my own dorm room to come back to at night. All of these are the timeless traditions associated with college. Unfortunately, what I found were another set of traditions. My fellow students were more interested in all night parties fueled by jello shots and vodka, the extracurricular clubs had few members and infrequent meetings, while the dorm became a place of loud, drunken voices from students struggling to remember exactly which room they were in and where their keys were. Was my experience a solitary event?…

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