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  • Discusses the Realtionship between the McCarthy Trials, "The Crucible", and "the Salem witchcarft trials".


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:793277
Published: 28.09.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In 1692 two girls from Salem accused people in their town of witchcraft. Around 1950 Joseph McCarthy, a senator from the US, accused people of supporting communism. Both events led to the scrutiny of innocent people. Trials were held and raised havoc in what use to be peaceful nations.
In a time when terrorism is a threat, it becomes easy for people to accuse others of terrorism with little evidence. Most people can try and justify what they are doing, but when presented with the thought that their actions greatly resemble the McCarthy trials or even the Salem witchcraft trials, they s…

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