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ID number:727301
Published: 01.06.2007.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 4 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
1.  The Concept of Democracy and Its Basic Principles    4
2.  The Citizenship and Minority Rights in State Nation-Building Process    8
  Conclusion    12
  References    13

What we understand by democracy? Athenians have already thought that democracy is rule by the many. Today title of “democracy” is universal principle that is used also in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.
The term paper goal is to find answer about what democracy is and how people are represented in political process. Therefore, it is important to understand theory of democracy and find its real understanding, especially, in issues of what are people that representing interests in political process and what is ideal for political representation and integration.
The main challenges are democracy understanding, its demands for political representation and integration, and finding for implementing measures.
In concert with goal and objectives, the hypothesis is that democracy demands rule of people what is realized through real political representation and integration.
The democracy theory is ground on Robert Dahl and its realization on Will Kymlicka. The main objective is to prove or not to prove given hypothesis in theory of democracy.…

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