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ID number:701032
Published: 13.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Have you or anyone you know ever been a victim of mental, physical, or sexual abuse? If so I'm sure you are familiar with the psychological damage such issues create.
I know this subject will be a touchy area for a lot of people. It affects us politically, hurts us mentally, and spurs us to take some form of physical action. The concept that I want to present you with today is not offered as an excuse, a justifiable reason, or even an acceptable explanation. It is meant strictly to help you understand what exactly it is we are up against.
I would like to talk to everybody today about a person who is at this moment perceived to be public enemy number one. It is my contention that this person is not so different than any one of us. With a different kind of upbringing, we could have turned out to be the same type of person, with the same type of personality, and done some of the same horrendous things that this man has done. The man that I speak of is Saddam Hussein, and it is my personal belief that the
mental, physical, and emotional abuse he suffered as a child is the driving force behind his obsessive political career and violent behavior.

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