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  • The Dominance of Black Athletes in Sport


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ID number:695928
Published: 05.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There are many theories of whether pre-dominance of black athletes in world sprinting is a social phenomenon and there are many stating it is a 'racial' phenomenon. I have used just a few, and very briefly, to outline the main ones. This dispute may go on forever, especially as we live in such a 'Westernised' world, and in this particular subject of debate, the whites are not superior. But the evidence presented clearly points us to the conclusion that the dominance of world sprinting by black athletes is a social phenomenon. In a world that's undeniably dominated by whites, will black athletes ever have a fair chance of gaining the deserved credit, without there always having to be some 'underlying' reason for their superiority in sports. Many hope they will one day get their deserved credit, but many still aim to undermine them in any way possible.…

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