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ID number:693138
Published: 18.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

One last thing I wish to add is that while revision is useful for end of semester or end of year exams, if you are having difficulty understanding the material in class, try prevision for classes. Even though I usually understand the content of classes, I often use prevision on a Sunday, so that when going to class on a Monday, I am familar with last week's topic as well as what the topic for the current week will be. This is also a good idea if you are in the habit of forgetting about when tests, essays and projects are due and gives you a bit of heads up to give you the time to complete them.
Note: Please comment on this essay or my previous memory management essay so that when I combine them into one essay on my website it will be more helpful to others.

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