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ID number:690024
Published: 27.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

When I think of what a hero represents to me, I think of an individual who fights for family values and the ethics of a good human being. Greek mythological heroes have many attributes that can be related to positive traits in society today. One such ancient hero is Perseus. During his exploits Perseus set standards, which people of ancient Greece could follow and which people can follow today. The myth of Perseus shows that he acts within the social and ethical boundaries of ancient times, that are similar to the values of today's society.
As a child Perseus and his mother were abandoned in a trunk and left afloat in the ocean. A fisherman found them and accepted them into his family. The fisherman's brother was an evil dictator named Polydectes, who fell in love with Perseus' mother, Danae. In order to have Danae all to himself the king plots to get rid of Perseus.…

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