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ID number:665594
Published: 04.03.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 3 units
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2007.g. - 2011.g.

To sum up, the economic crisis in Greece has affected very strongly, often even seems that the crisis could lead the country to bankruptcy. It is possible that the economic crisis in Greece, which, in principle, affects the whole of Europe, has started already in 2004, when in Greece was the Olympic Games. Government spent very large budget in to Olympic Games, which in the end didn’t pay back. Greece's future really depends on what will be the Greek government adopted budget amendments 2013th year and how the Greek society and Greece itself will be able to live with them in 2013. One of the decisions which could be able to save Greece from bankruptcy, is withdrawing from the eurozone. Possibly, that this behavior could save Greece and the euro area, but, in fact, nobody can’t tell how it can be in the future.…

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