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ID number:655480
Published: 28.11.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used


Self motivated to work on my own initiative and as part of a team towards common goals.
Projecting an open, positive and polite personality with the motivation to meet new people and adapting to new environments.
Well organised, adaptable and determined to succeed in challenging situations.
Well developed presentation and interpersonal skills, with an ability to ask the right questions, listen, analyse and use information for highly effective solutions.
Attaining humour and good communication skills with the public and customer care.
Willing and open to the possibilities of further education and training to upgrade my current skills.

Employment History

Practice Manager/ Dental Nurse/ Receptionist January 2008 – Present
Hainault Gentle Dental Care, Essex

Main duties involve:
High class interaction and presentation skills
Practice management and reception duties
General Dental Care assistance.…

Author's comment
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