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ID number:649699
Published: 09.11.2007.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 4 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
1.  Introduction   
2.  Are we overpopulated?   
3.  Problems- what overpopulation may give?   
4.  Pollution that engender overpopulation   
5.  Real situation of overpopulation   
6.  Malthus theory- food crisis   
7.  Conclusion   

First of all, my aim in this work is realize global issue, and in my report issue is overpopulation. I think it is very important theme.
In this report I will give actual situation in the earth. My task is to appraise this problem and give my advice in this global problem; I know that this advice will be not to be very important to this global issue, but if we started to talk about this, maybe in future overpopulation will be not the biggest problem in the word. We know that overpopulation to make sacrifices, because many of people live in the restrains of poverty. Similarly, this problem calls many other natural disasters. And this problem is pother anybody.
Are we overpopulated?
It's a day like any other. You come home from job with an assignment. Only today, the assignment is to detail the problems that "overpopulation" is causing the world's ecosystem. And part of this assignment is to educate you about the world's population "problem." …

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