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ID number:648006
Published: 24.07.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

What needs to be done? There should be a checks and balances type of organization in any corporation. Basically, there should be a separation of duties. The person scanning the resumes should not be the one doing the background checks, the hiring, the processing, the positioning, etc. Had the above company used their staff properly, one section would be assigned to scanning potential resumes and forwarding them on to the proper departments. The department would review it and call in the person for the interview. Once the interview is over, the applicants' information would be forward to the personnel department where background or reference checks of some sort could be completed. Once the application makes its full circle trough the proper channels then the applicant would be hired. Each separate department is basically auditing the work done by the previous department to make sure the proper procedures are done. The company should consider revamping the hiring process it has taken in the past.…

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