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ID number:645336
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Yet, there are movies about plain madness: ?Psycho?, ?American Psycho?, ?La pianiste? and many others. But still, all of them try to show what really goes on in the mind of a psychically ill or disordered person. A lot of them stand for ?All men are created equal? . In my opinion, with this they do the most good to the society.
Reading ?Veronica decides to die?, listening to Silverchair and going to cinema to see ?Rain man? leaves you wondering, if creativity comes together with madness. And yes, sometimes it does. All the mentally ill and disturbed artists, writers, poets and musicians are evidence for that. All the books, poems, films and lyrics are evidence that there is a life different from what we are used to. With other priorities and ideals. Psychiatry is very new as science and yet it affects culture so much. We face it every day of our lives. For, as Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

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