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ID number:634159
Published: 13.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

We use the term hero to describe everything from a brave individual who rescues someone or overcomes incredible odds, to someone who dies at the hands of a terrorist, even if the attack was so sudden that the victim never saw it coming. Personally, I think that a hero is several things and can be thought of differently by each individual person. In most cases heros are ordinary people who do brave things and put themselves before others: they do great things, they care, they possess something that makes them an extraordinary person. For instance, many people involved in 9/11 that are heroes are ordinary people that did something extraordinary that day. They put themselves out there and saved a life, helped people out, and put themselves on the line for others in a time of desperate need and panic. Still and all, when most of us use the word hero, we mean someone who acts in a heroic manner, meaning that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect others.…

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