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  • Discussion of the sun in the Albert Camus novel "The Stranger".


    Essays2 Literature

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ID number:618405
Published: 15.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The sun is a powerful and all too-often overlooked symbol in many novels. It is
usually seen as a guiding light in the dark or as hope in times of despair. In the Albert
Camus story, The Stranger, the sun represents a new element. Camus, a very
unconventional thinker, twisted the common meaning of the sun into a painful image. The
sun is on constant vigil of Meursault?s every action. Ironically, the bright light of the sun
clouds his thoughts and judgment. The sun is personified to represent society, which
throughout the story frustrates, angers and eventually takes control over Meur…

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