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  • A Solution to Childhood Obesity in Australia - Oral Presentation


    Essays2 Sociology

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ID number:592000
Published: 14.09.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

It is essential that through government and community participation, we develop, establish and integrate safe strategies to tackle the ever increasing problem of childhood obesity.
'Australia is rapidly turning into a nation of fat kids.'
One in every five youngsters is now designated as overweight or obese, living a life prone to cardiovascular and health problems along with risks to there mental state and general well being. Studies conducted by The Australian Diabetes, obesity and lifestyle council indicate that poor self-esteem and confidence has also been associated with obesity and almost doubles the chances of depression. Education Queensland also associates obesity with poor academic performance, un-developed motor skills and coordination.
Obesity is a killer, not only causing serious long term medial problems, but costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars each year. Something must be done. If we don't act on this problem NOW, then it is predicted by 2020 that 65% of adolescents will be overweight or obese.

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