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ID number:576042
Published: 25.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

PERSON B - You were in your late teens at the end of the war and contributed to the war effort by working, in the last year of the war, in what had previously been considered a "man's job". Your father fought in the war and returned unharmed. You are glad the suffering of the war is over but resent the loss of the freedom it brought you. You are searching for ways to find this again.
The Soldier Settlement Scheme
I was deeply relieved that my father had returned from the war safe and sound as I was dreading that I would never see him ever again. However, these worries dissolved and were quickly replaced by new problems that were arising. My father had a decent-paying factory job before he went to serve in the war, and I had replaced him while he was away. But after my father had returned, the employers at the factory would not hand him his old job back. …

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