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ID number:575398
Published: 13.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

When we lay away the body in the grave, according to the sentence of God, it returns to earth in the natural way or by an act of God, whereas cremation is an act of man. According to divine precept and example there is but one Christian way to dispose of our dead and that is to bury them. One of the most elementary principles of Christian thought and life is that our bodies are not our own to do with as we wish. Rather than give our consent to destroy God's property in the oven of a crematory, every loved one should be affectionately and carefully laid away whole in the mother earth, like the body of our Savior. His body was lovingly and tenderly prepared for burial according to the customs of God's people. Cremation has come to us from the uncivilized and uncultured people of the Dark Ages. Those whose minds were distorted by sin, of whom Plato said, "Man has sunk below the beast of the brutes". People who bored out the eyes of their fellows, tore out their tongues by the roots, burned them alive, fed them to the lions, and practiced many other methods of devilish cruelty. And yet, in these days of civilized and Christian culture, some are still following these primitive customs of burning the bodies of their friends and family.…

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