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ID number:573813
Published: 08.06.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The author is considered to be Ireland’s most complete man of letters. O’Connor has worked as a literary critic, essayist, travel writer, translator and biographer. He has written numerous short stories, and one of them is ‘My Oedipus Complex’.
The central idea of the story is about the childhood of the boy named Larry. This story shows Larry’s perception of everything in the world and the relationships between the members of one family.
Furthermore, the writer in his story has arranged the events in the habitual order. The story starts with introduction where everything is clearly exposed. To put it in other words, the readers are introduced to the text and they also has a brief insight in the following situations. The complication of the text starts with the fact that Daddy is back from war. The boy realizes that nothing is the same way as it used to be since his father has come back. From my point of view, the climax arises with Sonny’s birth.…

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