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ID number:556015
Published: 25.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

6)Firstly I would kindly remind the parent who overheard the conversation, that this play setting doesn't tolerate prejudice in all its form and that I will inform my senior manager of your concerns. I will tell the Gay parent that first he has to be policed vetted, secondly I would remind the parent as a volunteer he is never allowed to be left with a child by yourself. I would then run it by my line manager who will take it from there.
7)I would make Happi and his mother feel welcome and introduce him to a few children. Use appropriate tone of voice, careful consideration of words and reassure them when and if they need anything.
Offer Happi alternative play activities if Happi is no longer happy participating with the sandwich activity and ask Happi where and what he likes best in the play setting.

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