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ID number:544650
Published: 16.06.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In Judaism, death is a natural part of life. Many laws and customs govern the process of death, burial and mourning. As are many Jewish practices, the Jewish death rituals are fairly practical. They exist to honor and show respect for the dead and to assist and comfort the living.
Judaism puts a large emphasis on the joy of life, this is why Jewish law forbids euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. However, although it is prohibited to speed death, it is not necessary to prolong life through artificial means.
The dying should not be left alone, but should be attended to often and treated with respect during their final moments. It is a mitzvah to be present at the side of the dying. While on their death-bed, one is not required to give a confession but often one recites the vidu'i or the shema to show their unconditional love for G-d.
After Death
Once a person has died, the body is put into the hands of the Chevrah Kaddisha - The Holy Society (a volunteer organization which watches over bodies until they are buried). …

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