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  • A critical analysis, including important terminology and questions and answers about the poem "The Unquiet Grave"


    Essays2 Literature

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ID number:527919
Published: 14.12.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

"The Unquiet Grave"
by Anonymous
The lover of a deceased woman mourns for 1 year and a day at his love's grave. After this time period, the man is given the opportunity to talk to the dead woman, and he is taught an important lesson.
oFolk Ballad is a song belonging to the folk music of a people or area, often existing in several versions or with regional variations because it is passed down by word of mouth, not written.
oRhythm is the pattern of beats, or stresses, in spoken or written language.
oLyric poetry is poetry in which writers express their thoughts and…

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