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ID number:512177
Published: 09.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

But religion may become more important to people in modern society in lending emotional support, giving a deeper meaning to their values and helping them to express ultimate concern and commitment.
It was a great challenge and privilege for me to complete this assignment. By working through all the material and by acknowledging my own church's actual social involvement in the community today, I came to the conclusion that society cannot sustain a high degree of social and mental "wellness" without the involvement of the church at large in today's modern era.
I came to realize however, that there is still a vast field to be covered by the existing church, aspects like sex education, ways to accommodate HIV candidates, reaching the long-forgotten elderly, prisoners etc. have been neglected by the church and we as Christians must exploit these areas of the community to the glory of God and to the upliftment of our community.

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