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ID number:511165
Published: 18.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The purpose of this document is to analyse the situation of Himalaya Herbals of Oregon and provide forecasts for future market and product innovations. We have developed organisational goals and objectives which stem from their "back to basics" philosophies'. After evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, we found that competition was the single biggest threat to Himalaya Herbals's success both nationally and internationally. We concluded that Himalaya Herbals must undertake an intensive advertising campaign to promote brand awareness, gain a greater market share, propel the image of its products, and elevate itself towards a more sophisticated level. Followed up by a number of control procedures and marketing research this would ensure the desired image and sales are achieved.
Situational Analysis
Internal Analysis
Himalaya Herbals is one of Australia's leading skincare and cosmetics retailers. …

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