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ID number:509020
Published: 04.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

As already mentioned in the previous paper, the project to be studied is an implementation of a work assignment and tracking system in an IT department in a large sized company. The IT Department before the project was started, had undergone a management change and a reorganization due to corporate cost cutting and restructuring. The previous structure of the IT organization was teams of people that support specific applications in the system, and the business users of a particular application contacted the team assigned to their application for system enhancements and support. There was no system for managing and tracking projects and tasks, and it was left to the managers of each team to handle project prioritization, assignment and tracking.
This structure was changed to a pooled resource structure where IT staff people were grouped by functional areas (such as mainframe support group, PC support group, web applications, etc). …

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