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ID number:499754
Published: 17.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

As a "project manager in the making" I have learned through the course and through my team project many interesting and useful things.
In the first place I have learned that in the manager's job exists differences between the folklore and the actual facts. The folklore that the manager is a reflective , systematic planner is counteracted by many studies that indicated another things. The managers had an very intense activity and they are very active persons and don't like reflective activities . A Stewart diary study of 160 British middle and top managers indicated that they had a discontinued job: they worked for a half hour or more without interruption about once every two days. The studies didn't showed a model that could tell us how a manager schedule his time , but emphasize that they answer to the problems of the moment.

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