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ID number:493957
Published: 11.01.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Alice is thirty-eight and she has a house, a husband, two teenage children and a part-time job. She should be happy but she isn't. She feels she is like something lost down the back of the sofa. Because Alice has a secret what is never spoken in the family. The secret is something that she feels will always stop her from being happy, having power or feeling free. She can't read. That is until her son`s wayward friend helps her to change everything. Her son Craig has recently become friendly with a boy who could only be described as a ‘bad lot’. His with pierced eyebrows and nose and his black spikey hair make people jump to wrong conclusions about him.
As a child, Alice`s father changed jobs so often that she rarely stayed in one school for any length of time. Sometimes she didn`t even go to school, instead staying home with a mother who relied on her daughter for company. …

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