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ID number:491562
Published: 07.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Andres Santa Cruz
Andres Santa Cruz was a Bolivian solider. He was also commander, chief and other things. But among all the things he was he was a Bolivian President.
He was born in La Paz. He was born in 1792. He died in Sainte Nazaire that is in France. It was 1865 when he died, so he lived to be 73. That is pretty good. Because I doubt Ill live to get that old.
Andres Santa Cruz came from the Peruvian. Well that's were his mother was from. When he was a kid he always wanted to help people out. So he went to the military in Spanish to better himself. He worked his way up to lieu…

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