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  • Specified quotes from "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. Categories are mood, silence, and father/son conflict.


    Essays2 Literature

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ID number:489087
Published: 22.09.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Things Fall Apart: Quote Hunt
-After Nwoye is lured into the Christian religion and abandons his culture and family, Okonkwo is ashamed and states, "you have all see the great abomination of your brother. Now he is no longer my son or your brother. I will only have a son who is a man, who will hold his head up among my people" (172). Nwoye's father disowns him only because he chooses a path untraditional to his culture. The serious, frustrated, and unhappy mood that is created in Okonkwo's statement gives the reader an idea of how much the Ibo culture values tradition, choice,…

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