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  • Social Responsibility Extends from the Level of the Individual to the Wider Community


    Essays2 Sociology

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ID number:486116
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

If one person does something good, will it influence others? People see charity workers all the time, but how many of these people will go and follow in that worker's footsteps? Does Social and Moral Responsibility really extend from the level of the individual to the wider community? There are many individuals that are socially aware, and whilst they do much good and affect the wider community, it is not always that they persuade the community to do the same.
Dr Catherine Hamlin, from the book, "The Hospital By The River" and her husband undoubtedly helped a lot of Ethiopian women, but did their awareness of social responsibility spread to the community? Dr Hamlin was the individual, and the people who read the book, or heard Catherine's story can be considered the community. …

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