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  • Character Analysis of Reverend Parris from the Novel "The Crucible"


    Essays2 Literature

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ID number:480693
Published: 31.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

If it were not for the self-seeking nature present in Salem, the infamous witch trials of 1692 would not have taken place. Most villagers were interested in themselves and none other. One such character is Reverend Parris from the historical play The Crucible, which concerns these Salem witch trials. He is only interested in his good name. In the beginning of the play, this conceit leads Reverend Parris to support the court's false judgements in order to preserve his reputation, but as the play progresses he begins to question the court for the same reason. This conceit also leads him to suppress obvious evidence that undermines the court or himself. These actions help the court become stronger, and prevent others from questioning the court's authority. Reverend Samuel Parris plays a large role in The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, and the decisions he makes, for his own well-being, bring harm to others.…

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