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ID number:471045
Published: 06.12.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

On 17th October 1973 one of the biggest hip-hop artist ever was born in Kansas City. Throughout he's life he was beaten by bullies at school, physically and mentally abused at the hands of a pill-popping mum who caused him to become a victim of munchasen syndrome, all living in he's Detroit trailer park home. Marshall Bruce Mathers III's strife-ridden childhood served as a blessing, allowing he's mind to work in a way that produced the razor sharp rhymes and witty wordplay he's famous for today. People who don't take the time to listen to what he is saying in he's lyrics often refer to the misunderstood genius as a misogynistic homophobe.
Marshall's transformation into his million selling alter ego, Eminem, began when he was nine years old and he heard Ice T's 'Reckless.' It was on a soundtrack that his Uncle Ronnie bought him. 10 years later, Ronnie would commit suicide. (A tattoo on Eminem's right arm bears his uncle's name).

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