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ID number:421740
Published: 14.11.2008.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Good morning everyone!
Today I’d like to speak to you about an amazing thing called couchsurfing.
Couchsurfing? Sounds a bit weird doesn’t it? Why would a couch surf and how? Actually it is just a metaphor. Couchsurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit. Basically, couchsurfing is for those who love to travel, meet new people and get to know new cultures.

How does it work. First, you have to join the Couchsurfing community on the Internet. There are couple of home pages which offer this possibility. Each person who registers puts down not only the place where he comes from, but also his hobbies, habits and points of lifestyle. Now there are almost five hundred thousand people who are willing to open their doorways to other people. In these websites, there are common or private chatrooms, where people talk and get to know eachother. If they like what they hear or see on photos, they agree to visit eachother.

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