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ID number:419959
Published: 20.12.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

We hear the door opening and closing again. The man doesn’t move an inch.
PRINCE: Please, mother. I just wish to be left alone right now..
As the camera turns around, we see a woman standing at the door. She slowly walks accross the room and lights a candle, which is on the writing desk. In the dull light we see a 59-year-old woman. Though there are some wrinkles visible on her face, she is still extremely beautiful and her piercing green eyes are full of concern, as she looks down at her son. She is wearing an exquisite red gown and has matching ruby earrings and a silver medallion, embedded with jewells, around her neck. She carefully raises her arm and puts it on the man’s shoulder.
QUEEN: (takes a breath) Son.. Please, listen to me. You can’t loose hope. There has to be a girl out there who is meant just for...
PRINCE: (interupts the queen) Hope? (looks at his mother with disbelief in his eyes) Hope is the only thing I’ve had for all this time. I have spent years travelling the world and looking for a real princess and I have not been able to find a single one. I’m starting to believe that hope is for fools.…

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