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ID number:416359
Published: 23.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Air Pollution: A Global Problem
Air Pollution is the addition of harmful substances into the atmosphere resulting in continuing damage to the environment, human health, and the quality of life we experience. The study of atmospheric or air pollution covers all those pollutants that are omitted into the atmosphere, usually as gasses or particulates, which then directly or indirectly degrade the physical and biological systems on the surface of the Earth (Welburn 1). It not only affects people but also harms plants, animals and the ecosystems in which they live. It is changing the earth's atmosphere so that it lets in more harmful radiation from the sun. While at the same time, our polluted atmosphere is becoming a better insulator preventing heat from escaping back into space and leading to a rise in global average temperatures. Today, man is capable of damaging many of the Earth's natural cycles. It appears inevitable that the extent of such potential disturbances keeps growing with the increase in the world's population and the rate of industrialization (Breuer xi).

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