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  • A devistating blow. This is an essay that is written as a biographical slice of my life and the experience i had when i broke three ribs during a taekwondo match.


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ID number:394374
Published: 21.01.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Tired and sweaty, I reached for my forearm pads to prepare myself for the sparring session of training camp. As I put on the final part of gear, the soft helmet, I stood up to join the others aligned under the Korean flag. This day however was not a normal day at training camp. This would be the day in which we have our final sparring session before the Jr. Olympics held in Minnesota. Even though it was not the last day of camp, Sabunim, our master instructor, decided that it would be smart not to take the chance of getting hurt right before we go on the trip.
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