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  • An Argument for the Validity of International Law as a Governing Body Between Nations


    Essays2 Law

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ID number:393513
Published: 20.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In conclusion, International Law is a type of Law as much as any other forms of Law such as Criminal, Tax, and Maritime Laws. One must take into account when examining this question that though International Law does not parallel other forms in all regards it is still in fact Law because it attempts to issue a governing body and codification to a more sensitive issue because it deals with individual nations rather than individual persons or states within one nation; when dealing with international relations across a number of countries each will differ drastically due to there individual customs and cultures. Nations as a whole also have there own forms of law for dealing with its nationals whether they be derivations of common, code, or Islamic law. International Law often serves as a mediator when dealing with two different nations in dispute, or in other cases serves as the only legal body in the hierarchy. Yes, International Law is different because it deals with a much broader spectrum and without its uniqueness there would be no facilitation of international disputes and agreements, or in an extreme case lawlessness among nations.…

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